Gonzalo descubre un secreto de sus orígenes
(Gonzalo discovers a secret about his origin)
[07 January 2010]
Gonzalo busca respuestas sobre sus orígenes tras descubrir que el Comisario es su hermano. Agustín, que trata de proteger al Águila ocultándole la verdad, le conducirá hasta la tumba de su verdadera madre donde Gonzalo descubrirá un secreto que dejó antes de morir. Cripri es detenido y sometido a tortura. El posadero confiesa que quien disparó contra el Comisario fue un niño y no un hombre. Alonso, descubierto y perseguido, es ayudado a escapar por Margarita. Margarita confiesa a Catalina que Juan le ha pedido que se case con ella. Las dos viven emocionadas estos momentos sin saber que el médico esconde una gran sorpresa.
Gonzalo seeks answers about his origins after discovering that the Commissioner is his brother. Agustín, who tried to protect The Red Eagle by hiding the truth, leads Gonzalo to the grave of his real mother, where Gonzalo discovers a secret which she left before dying. Cripri is arrested and tortured. The innkeeper confesses that the person who shot the Commissioner was a boy and not an adult. Alonso, discovered and pursued, is helped to escape by Margarita. Margarita confesses to Catalina that Juan has asked him to marry her. Those two are very excited, knowing that the doctor is hiding a big surprise.
AVI format from a broadcast recording source. 82:51 m. 676 MB. Spanish dialogue with separate srt subtitles in Spanish and English. Rename the subtitle file to match the video filename, except for the .srt extension.
Spanish srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LSP1C74I
English srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UTMVK40U
Capítulo 15 de Águila Roja
Águila Roja continúa su búsqueda
(The Red Eagle continues his search)
[14 January 2010]
Gonzalo, con la ayuda de Satúr, busca el rastro de su verdadera familia en el orfelinato de la villa pero alguien intenta evitar que profundice en la investigación incendiando el hospicio. Aún así, Águila Roja descubrirá una pista sobre su pasado: un medallón que cita su madre en una carta.
Margarita va a ser presentada ante la alta sociedad y tendrá que enfrentarse a los padres de Juan, que se oponen a la boda por su condición de plebeya. Mientras, el Cardenal Mendoza ayudado por el Comisario, crea un impuesto extraordinario para recaudar el dinero que necesita en su pretendido ascenso al Papado.
La brutal subida de impuestos provoca revueltas entre los campesinos. Martín (Roger Berruezo), sobrino de Catalina, será uno de los cabecillas. La Marquesa, interesada en la influencia social de Irene, tratará de que la joven se enamore del Comisario.
Gonzalo, with Satúr's help, find a trace of his real family in the town orphanage, but someone tries to prevent his investigation by setting fire to the building. Regardless, The Red Eagle finds a clue about his past: a medallion that his mother mentioned in a letter.
Margarita will be elevated to high society and must face Juan's parents, who object to the wedding because of her commoner status. Meanwhile, Cardinal Mendoza, helped by the Commissioner, creates a special tax to raise the money he needs in his plan to rise to the papacy.
The tax increase causes brutal revolts among the peasants. Martín, Catalina's nephew, is one of the ringleaders. The Marquesa, interested in the social influence of Irene (the Cardinal's niece), schemes to have the girl fall in love with the Commissioner.
AVI format from a broadcast recording source. 85:05 m. 693 MB. Spanish dialogue with separate srt subtitles in Spanish and English. Rename the subtitle file to match the video filename, except for the .srt extension.
Spanish srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=672A70PV
English srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GV4JEITO
Capítulo 16 de Águila Roja
El secuestro de Margarita
(The kidnapping of Margarita)
[21 January 2010]
Gonzalo tiene que disimular cuando descubre que Alonso sospecha que él es Águila Roja. Todo se complica cuando el niño pone en peligro su vida tratando de desenmascarar a su padre. Por otra parte, Águila Roja intenta localizar el medallón del que habla su madre en la carta que dejó antes de morir. Es entonces cuando Gonzalo se topa con recuerdos de la infancia al reconocer el lugar donde pasó su niñez.
La hermana de Estuarda es raptada y sometida a terribles ultrajes, pero consigue escapar y volver a casa. Éste es el comienzo de una serie de secuestros que culminan con el de Margarita. Águila Roja y Satur salen en su búsqueda temiendo haberla perdido para siempre.
El Cardenal Mendoza amenaza al Rey con sacar a la luz algún oscuro secreto relacionado con la Monarquía si no le ayuda en su pretensión de alcanzar el Papado. Mientras, Irene, la sobrina del Prelado, descubre de la mano de la Marquesa algunos de los placeres de la vida en la Corte.
Gonzalo has to cover his tracks when he discovers that his son Alonso suspects him of being The Red Eagle. Everything is complicated when the boy endangers his life trying to reveal his father's secret identity. In addition, The Red Eagle attempts to locate the medallion his mother referred to in the letter she left before dying. Gonzalo experiences childhood memories which help him recognize where he spent his childhood.
Estuarda's sister is kidnapped and subjected to terrible indignities, but she manages to escape and return home. This is the beginning of a series of mysterious kidnappings, culminating with that of Margarita. The Red Eagle and Satúr go in search for her, fearing she is lost forever.
Cardinal Mendoza threatens the King, saying that he will expose a dark secret connected with the monarchy if the King does not help in the Cardinal's attempt to reach the papacy. Meanwhile, Irene, the Cardinal's niece, discovers some of the pleasures of life at court, assisted by the Marquesa.
AVI format from a broadcast recording source. 80:23 m. 677 MB. Spanish dialogue with separate srt subtitles in Spanish and English. Rename the subtitle file to match the video filename, except for the .srt extension.
Spanish srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YUM56KQI
English srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MCVA8SW0
Some Screen Captures from Episode 15
Click on thumbnail to see the fullsize image.
Note: Video quality varies significantly among files.