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Friday, October 22, 2010

Águila Roja Series 1 (2009) -- Episodes 10-13 [with Subtitles!]

Capítulo 10 de Águila Roja
La unión hace la fuerza (Unity Is Strength)
[30 April 2009]

Una serie de asesinatos de niños sacude el barrio. Juan, es detenido como sospechoso al tratar de salvar la vida de una de las víctimas, que le trae Águila Roja. En casa de Gonzalo, las tensiones aumentan y Margarita decide irse a vivir con Catalina.

A series of child murders shakes the neighborhood. Juan is arrested as a suspect while trying to save the life of a victim, brought to him by The Red Eagle. In Gonzalo's house, tensions rise and Margarita decides to live with Catalina.

AVI format from a DVD source. 74:16 m. 698 MB. Spanish dialogue with separate srt subtitles in Spanish and English.

Spanish srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VW7BNG5Q
English srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=S6SZBRFF

Capítulo 11 de Águila Roja
Buscando al asesino de niños (Seeking the Child Murderer)
[7 May 2009]

El asesino de niños sigue suelto y la ciudad vive con miedo. El Comisario y Águila Roja buscan al culpable. Mientras, la conjura contra el Rey continúa. La Logia, junto a la Marquesa, rinde culto al que será el nuevo monarca, Felipe de Valois.

The child murderer is still at large, and the city lives in fear. The Commissioner and The Red Eagle both search for the culprit. Meanwhile, the plot against the King continues. The secret Lodge, in conjunction with the Marquesa, pays homage to the man they hope to make the new king, Felipe de Valois.

AVI format from a DVD source. 72:51 m. 698 MB. Spanish dialogue with separate srt subtitles in Spanish and English.

Spanish srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M9ZDYZON
English srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FSW7F44V

Capítulo 12 de Águila Roja
La Marquesa, acusada de traición (The Marquesa, Accused of Treason)
[14 May 2009]

El candidato de la Logia para ser nuevo Rey ha llegado a la ciudad. Águila Roja y Satur tendrán que internarse en las Mazmorras reales en su búsqueda. La Logia acusa de traición a la Marquesa, que debe demostrar su inocencia consiguiendo la llave de las mazmorras.

The secret lodge's candidate to be the new king has come to town. Sátur and The Red Eagle will have to find a way into the most secret dungeon of the kingdom to find him. The lodge has charged the Marquesa with treason, and she must prove her innocence by getting the key to the dungeon.

AVI format from a DVD source. 86:11 m. 697 MB. Spanish dialogue with separate srt subtitles in Spanish and English.

Spanish srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4MOWY18X
English srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7M0LPX9H

Capítulo 13 de Águila Roja
Lucha a muerte entre Águila Roja y el Comisario
(The Death Struggle Between Red Eagle and the Commissioner)
[21 May 2009]

La Marquesa, designada por la Logia, será la encargada de llevar a cabo el atentado definitivo contra el Rey, sin saber que en realidad le han tendido una trampa.

The Marquesa, appointed by the secret lodge, will be responsible for carrying out the final attack against the King, not knowing that she has actually been framed.

AVI format from a DVD source. 80:57 m. 698 MB. Spanish dialogue with separate srt subtitles in Spanish and English.

Spanish srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QEBAVZ0S
English srt subtitles: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1Q7YQHQE

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